Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Bits Remembered (of days one and two)

A Documentary:
- How we met: "were you the one where I had to lift up the bus?"
- A science experiment: how to Fly with non-bio
- The last two people on earth want to talk about water
- How to wash up, part one
- Sailing around the world goes badly wrong (have they even left Portsmouth yet?)

A Suitcase:
"I think I could take it on Easyjet without having to pay extra"
"Everything anyone ever wrote down ever"
"Would you let poor Janet die in there?"

Some Keys:
"I used to be tone deaf, but now... listen..."
"You're lucky you've got a key. A man came round with a box and everyone else got a key and I got a lock"

Some Departures:
- A passerby
- Another passerby
- A child
- A suitcase
- A cleaner
- A person in a bag
- The word No
- White face masks
- An Iron
- A Lampshade Woman
- A traveller
- A sneeze
- A woman with one shoe
- A headless green dress
- A seagull
- Another sneeze

And more to come...
Jade Blue x

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