Sunday 2 August 2009

And it's the end of week 1 !!!

Sunday 2ND August today, means it's Monday 3rd tomorrow, and the beginning of week 2 of The People Show 120 experience. Can it really be that I've only known this fantastically eclectic group of artists for 1 week? yet I feel that they, and all that I've experienced and discovered with them, could fill a lifetime! It's simply incomprehensible, and yet deliciously wonderful at the same time. And maybe those 2 words, 'incomprehensible,' & 'wonderful,' sum up Friday's devising experience for me. Having familiarized ourselves with our newly adopted 'space,' there was an intense generation of ideas, concepts, themes, in the forms of words, sounds, imagery, you name it! This was then followed by a distinct lull in the energy, a kind of stalling experience..."How the hell do we go from page to stage?" And that's where 'incomprehensible,' comes into play, because don't ask me how, or when or what made it possible? but from a state of near despair, and the foreboding words,

"OK we'll see the Tank Room group next, how long do you want to set up?"
"Oh, 4 seconds..." to, " make that 2 mins..."

An amalgamation of all those paper ideas, was brought to life into the beginnings of a live mixed media creation, that I suddenly felt I could believe in, and nurture, and that felt WONDERFUL!

Chantal Francis

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